Thursday, July 12, 2007


It finally happened. Juan Carlos took me for a long walk to a non-existent river on a very hot summer afternoon two days ago, promising a refreshing swim. After about an hour and a half of walking in our flip-flops carrying towels, he realized the last time he arrived at the river by this path was when he and some friends rode their bikes (which, needless to say would take them much farther in much less time) Ultimately, we decided to head back to the car and drive to the river, but we had a great talk along the way. We found a secret area by the river where we could be alone to go swimming. After we had both braved the freezing cold water for a few minutes, Juan Carlos got a surprised/concerned look on his face and looked behind him. There was what appeared to be a piece of plastic floating in the water behind him. I asked him if it was his because it wasn't mine and he was like, "oh yeah.." and put it back in his pocket. I thought it was strange but I was glad he didn't want to litter...

Then, he started saying a lot of really nice things and just telling me he loved me again and again, but it seemed like he wanted to say something else. After a little while longer, I started to get cold and suggested we go. He said, "Sure, but first I just want to say I love you with all my heart and will you marry me?" (and he pulled out the soggy cardboard wrapped box with the ring inside!! ) He tore apart the soggy cardboard and pried open the box, trying to be sure the ring didn't fall into the water. The ring was gorgeous and perfect and I said, "Yes, a thousand times yes! (in Spanish)" and we hugged and kissed. Then I asked him, "Was that what went floating down the river?" He said, "Yeah, I went to take it out of my pocket and it wasn't there. All I could think was now, where am I going to find it? I was so lucky it was just floating behind me." And we both got a good laugh out of it- a classic romantic comedy.

Now, I could not be happier. Juan Carlos has shown me throughout our time together, and especially recently that he really does take into consideration what's important to me, that he's willing to compromise, that he truly loves me and that I can trust him to take care of me. I feel so fortunate to be promised to such an incredible man. He is so handsome and smart- so responsible and generous- so patient and grounded. He respects me, my opinion and my desires, he supports me in all my various pursuits and passions, and he prioritizes my well-being and the health of our relationship.

I believe that more than anything, getting married is a committment and a choice to spend the rest of your life with someone, through the difficult times and through the joys, through whatever twists and turns life throws at you. You're choosing a partner- the person you want to wake up to every day, the person you want to serve, the one you want to raise children with and laugh with and cry with and face life with. Juan Carlos is so strong- he is a pillar for me in my life. He has been through so much in his own life that he understands human resilience. He knows what we can make it through. Where others might break down or give up, he fights. He understands the importance of relationships and of generosity and he constantly pushes me to live out my faith more sincerely by giving more freely. He values time with family and he looks so forward to being father himself. He loves children- he is playful and funny and I know we will always have plenty of laughter in our home!

I feel a little sad that most of my family still can't know him very well because of language barriers, but God-willing, we have a whole lifetime together for Juan Carlos and my family to get to know each other too. I am happy and hopeful about the future and I hope that those I love can try to see what I see in him and be happy for me too!

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